Mishchykha L. P.

Doctor  of Psychological Science,

Professor of General and Clinical Psychology


<strong>Personal Information</strong><strong>Scientific publications</strong><strong>Courses Taught</strong><strong>Contacts</strong>

Mischyha  L. P.Social psychological prognosis of professional formation jf future specialist(teacher)

Thesis for the degree of doctor of  philosophy on psychology in spesiality 19.00.05 – social psychology. – G. S. Kostyuk  Institute  of  Psychology  APS of  Ukraine, Kyiv, 1995.

Ovsyanetska (Mishchykha L. P.) Social-psychological forecasting of the future specialist (teacher). – 19.00.05 – social psychology (G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology at the NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1995).

Mischyha  L. P. Creative  potential of personality during  late adulthood  period. – Manuscript.

Thesis for the degree of doctor of psychological sciences by specialty 19.00.01 – general psychology, history of psychology. – G. S. Kostyuk  Institute  of  Psychology  NAPS of  Ukraine, Kyiv, 2014.

Mishchykha L. P. Creative potential of a personality during the late adulthood period. Dissertation for a doctoral degree in Psychology, specialty 19.00.01 – General Psychology, History of Psychology.  G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology at the NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2015

Research interests/scientific interests: personality psychology, creativity psychology, addictive behavior (various forms of addictions), psychotherapy (group and individual), emotional intelligence.





Mishchykha L.P.
Department of General and Clinical Phychology
Precarpathian national Vasyl Stefanyk university
Taras Shevchenko 57 Str.
Ivano-Frankivsk town,Ukraine

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