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PhD, Associate Professor,
Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Vasyl Stefanyk Preсarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine).
Candidate of Psychological Science,
Associate Professor of General and Clinical Psychology, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy.
She graduated from Prykarpattia National University. V. Stefanyk.
In 1997-1999 she studied at the graduate school of the Prykarpattia National University. V. Stefanyk.. In 1999 she defended her PhD thesis in 19.00.07″Pedagogical and age psychology”.
In 2001 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
From 2001 to present, Associate Professor of General and Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Internship: Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after I. Franko, Department of Psychology, the topic of the origin of scientific internship: “Research of the problem of professional and personal development of modern youth, its value potential in the process of professional training”, April 20, 2016.
Public work:
Member of the Public Association “Ukrainian Association of Family Psychologists”.
Member of the “Association of Practical Psychologists of Ivano-Frankivsk region”.
Research interests: Research interests include issues of ethnopsychology, general psychology, personality psychology and child psychology.
During her work at the university she repeatedly participated in international conferences abroad (United States, Poland, Slovakia, Cuba, Turkey).
For many years he has been acting as the Deputy Head of the Department for International Cooperation, curator of student groups.
Associate Professor Khrushchev OV is a Laureate of the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “For the contribution of youth to state building”. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 23, 2000
№1009; is grateful to the rector of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University for entry in the employment record book.
More than 100 scientific works have been published: monographs, articles, methodical recommendations, manuals.
Olena Vasylivna is a co-author of 6 monographs
- Vasyl Stefanyk is an artist of the word.// Monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 1996. – 272 p.
- Values of development of psyche of junior schoolchildren / Khrushch O. V., Khrushch V.D., etc. Monographic collection of scientific articles, Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2006.-324p.
- Mountain environment and its influence on the formation of the psyche and spirituality of students. // Khrushch O. V, Monograph “Mountain School: modern challenges and prospects for development”. – Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2017. – P.384-404.
- Socio-philosophical context of reforming educational systems: world and domestic experience./: Khrushch O. V, Romankova L. M, // Monograph “Mountain school in terms of reforming the education system competence vector” .- Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V. P., 2018.-P.287-311.
- Technologies for prevention of suicidal behavior of children and adolescents./: Khrushch O. V, Shkrabyuk V. S. // Monograph “Implementation of innovative educational paradigm in mountain schools of the Ukrainian Carpathians” .- Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V. P., 2019 .- P.383-396.
- Conceptual principles of moral and spiritual education of junior schoolchildren. // Khrushch O. V. Ivantsev L. I, // Monograph “NUS in the mountainous region of Ukraine: theory, practice, experience.” .- Ivano-Frankivsk: Suprun V. P. , 2020.- P.380-402.
- Khrushch O. V. Ukrainian character: historical and cultural conditions of its formation. Collection of scientific works: philosophy, sociology, psychology. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 1995. – P.123-141. – professional Edition
- Khrushch O. V. Problems of formation of national spiritual values of modern youth./ Khrushch O. V. // Collection of scientific works: philosophy, sociology, psychology.-Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 1998.-P.158-167.
- Khrushch O. V. Value-worldview system of formation of national self-consciousness of student youth. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Philosophical and psychological sciences. Issue 3. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Play, 2002. – P.19-25. – professional Edition
- Khrushch O. V. Values and features of the Ukrainian national character. / Khrushch O. V.// Journal of Ukrainian Geopolitics, Philosophy and Culture.-2002.-http: //newright.II.if.ua/khrushch.htm. Volume 0.8dr.ark.
- Khrushch O. V. Features of the Ukrainian national character. / Khrushch O. V.// Ukrainian problems.-Kyiv, 2004.-№22.-P.143-154.
- Khrushch O. Psychology of Art Creativity (based on the folk Art Creativity of inhabitants of the Ukrainian Carpathians )./Khrushch O. V. Collection of abstracts of 32 Appalachian readings “Connecting Appalachia and the World through Traditional and Contemporary Arts “. Shawnee state university.Portsmouth.-Ohio.-USA,2009.-P.44-46.
- Khrushch O. V. Psychological readiness of the teacher as a subject of management of educational activity./ Khrushch O. V. // Traditions and innovations in education of modern generation of teachers VIII. Catholic University, Slovak Republic.-Levoči-Ružomberok: VERBUM.-2013.-P.345-350.
- Khrushch O. V. Mental health is an important component of spirituality./ Khrushch O. V. // Collection of scientific works: philosophy, sociology, psychology. -Ivano-Frankivsk: Publishing House of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2014.-Issue №20.-Part 1.-P.112-120.
- Khrushch O. V. Psychological aspects of health education./ Khrushch O. V. // Scientific Bulletin of Chelm.-Polska.Chelm, 2014.-R.31-37.
- Khrushch O. The psychology of mountain people as a subject of special research./Khrushch O.// Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University: Series of Social and Human Sciences.-Ivano-Frankivsk, 2014.-Vol.1, №2 -3.-R.96-98.
- Khrushch O. V. Psychological foundations of personality development and knowledge of the objective world in the process of work./ Khrushch O. V. // Scientific Bulletin of Chelm.- Polska, Chelm, 2015.- P.163-171.
- Khrushch O. V. Psychological foundations of gifted children./ Scientific Bulletin of Chelm.№1.-Chelm, Polska., 2016. P.-72-80.
- Khrushch O. V. Peculiarities of the development of the psyche of junior schoolchildren in the mountain environment./ Khrushch O. V. // Journal “Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians” .- №17.-Ivano-Frankivsk, 2017.-P.128-131.Scientific professional publication.
- Khrushch O. V. Carpathians and their influence on the formation of the mentality of the Hutsuls // Journal “Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians” -№19.- Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018.- P.36-39.Scientific professional publication.
- Khrushch O. V. General psychology Methodical recommendations for studying the course. / Khrushch O. V. // Ivano-Frankivsk: NAIR, 2017.-38p .
- Karpiuk, Y. Moskalets Viktor, Khrusch Olena, ets. Environmental and Psychological Effects of Russian War in Ukraine // Grassroots Journal of Natural Recources. Vol.6. No.1. (Apr. 2023) ISSN: 2581-6853 CODEN: GJNRA9 / Published by The Grassroots Institute Website: https://grassroots journals. org/ginr / Main Indexing: WEB of SCIENCE, p. 37-84.
Training courses: “General Psychology”, “Child Psychology”, “Personality Psychology”, “Socio-psychological technologies in the work of a practical psychologist”, “Working in families with sick children”, general health psychology and psychological counseling in the rehabilitation process.
Provides guidance:
bachelor’s and master’s theses;
problem group of students.