Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychology

At the Department of General and Clinical Psychology there is an ongoing master’s degree program “Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychology”.

The department trains highly qualified specialists in the field of psychology, clinical and rehabilitation psychology, who can provide psychological assistance, in particular to people with disabilities or to those who are in special life circumstances. And also for work with the organizations that provide medical and rehabilitation services. Thanks to the educational program, the graduates will be able to choose an adequate method of psychological influence psychological care and to diagnose, conduct psychological prophylaxis, psychological support, psychocorrection, training and therapy in the field of clinical and rehabilitation psychology for rehabilitation services.

Preparation for three main directions of psychological activity is realized: 1) clinical psychodiagnostics (research of a condition of the patient and his family, group and collective); 2) clinical and psychological intervention (various models of psychological counseling and support, psychocorrectional technologies, application of psychotherapeutic methods, implementation of psychological rehabilitation programs in individual, family, marital, group forms, including “participation in psychotherapy”); 3) psychological support of the rehabilitation process (preparation for rehabilitation, compliance therapy, correction of low adherence to treatment and rehabilitation, correction of the behavior patients’ relatives, as well as study and correction of the psychological climate of medical / rehabilitation institution and psychotherapeutic environment).

The value of the program is the preparation of applicants for the implementation of their own research and design research through acquaintance with the methodology of research and study of a set of professionally-oriented disciplines ..